Monday 16 November 2015

computer security threats

                           Computer Security Threats 


If you've never heard of a botnet, it's likely because they go largely undetected.

What they are:

A collection of software robot creates an army of infected computers are remotely controlled by the originator. 

What they can do:

  • Send spam emails with viruses attached.
  • Spread all types of malware.
  • Can use your computer as part of a denial of service attack against other systems.


Hacking is a term used to describe actions taken by someone to gain unauthorized access to a computer. The availability of information online on the tools, techniques, and malware makes it easier for even non-technical people to undertake malicious activities.

What it is:

The process by which cyber criminals gain access to your computer.

What it can do:

  • Find weaknesses in your security settings and exploit them in order to access your information.
  • Install a Trojan horse, providing a back door for hackers to enter and search for your information. 


Pharming is a common type of online fraud.

What it is:

A means to point you to a malicious and illegitimate website by redirecting the legitimate URL. Even if the URL is entered correctly, it can still be redirected to a fake website.

What it can do:

  • Convince you that the site is real and legitimate by spoofing or looking almost identical to the actual site down to the smallest details. You may enter your personal information and unknowingly give it to someone with malicious intent.


Phishing is used most often by cyber criminals because it's easy to execute and can produce the results they're looking for with very little effort.

What it is:

Fake emails, text messages and websites created to look like they're from authentic companies. They're sent by criminals to steal personal and financial information from you. This is also known as “spoofing”.

What it does:

  • Trick you into giving them information by asking you to update, validate or confirm your account. It is often presented in a manner than seems official and intimidating, to encourage you to take action.


Most people have heard of computer viruses, but not many know exactly what they are or what they do.

What they are:

Malicious computer programs that are often sent as an email attachment or a download with the intent of infecting your computer, as well as the computers of everyone in your contact list. Just visiting a site can start an automatic download of a virus.

What they can do:

  • Send spam.
  • Provide criminals with access to your computer and contact lists.
  • Scan and find personal information like passwords on your computer.
  • Hijack your web browser.
  • Disable your security settings.
  • Display unwanted ads.


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