Monday 26 October 2015

Global Dignity Day

               Global Dignity Day In Our School !

The concept of dignity is  to express the idea that a being has an innate right to be valued, respected, and to receive ethical treatment.
The English word "dignity", attested from the early 13th century, comes from Latin . In ordinary modern usage it denotes "respect" and "status", and it is often used to suggest that someone is not receiving a proper degree of
respect, or even that they are failing to treat themselves with proper self-respect.

Last week we celebrated "Global dignity day" in our school. This event was planned by the A level students. The custodian staff was awarded with a card and cup-cakes. The cup-cakes were also made by A levels.The school was decorated with cards and banners. We made a special wall for displaying paintings on dignity day.Some students displayed a role play on dignity which was moral lesson for us all, for our life :)

 The Global Dignity Day was celebrated by teachers and students of Beaconhouse schools across Pakistan with enthusiasm. The day recognises the Universal Right of every individual to lead a dignified life. 

In the light of this theme, we celebrate the global dignity day with an initiative to commend and encourage good practices of dignified and courageous individuals of our society.

The purpose of celebrating this day was to highlight the fact that all people poor or rich and all occupations/jobs are bound to equal amounts of respect and have th
e same importance. 

Beaconhouse Schools organised special assemblies for this purpose, during which students shared their personal experiences regarding school staff and other people who are not rich but maintain lives worth respecting. 

Students also presented Role Plays and wrote poems highlighting the importance and principles of dignity. 

The event helped a great deal in teaching importance of dignity in our daily life to the students. Videos of the entire assemblies were also recorded by the schools in order to share the experience with the community at large. 

Beaconhouse schools also engaged in fundraising activities such as organising bake sales, donating books and other stuff to help the underprivileged members of society.

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